Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Resolutions and Other Pipe Dreams
By Carl Golden

As the New Year approaches, less than two hours away, I think on the return of light and life and the passage of the old, making way for the new. There is much that has elapsed in the last year, as well as the last few years, that is happily laid to rest, such as the recent Republican Congress, which was the most criminally neglectful congress in American history. But not all that has passed is happily relinquished. There are regrets. Love has been lost and the heart diminished. So be it. It is time to rededicate the heart, mind, body and soul to the return of the light and new life. It is time for New Year resolutions.

Resolution #1: Impeachment. I'm glad that the Democrats did well in the recent election and that Rumsfeld got the boot, which was long overdue. Now that the Democrats have regained the majority of the House and Senate, Bush and Cheney need to be impeached. They are criminals and need to be dealt with as such, especially Cheney, who is one of the many dark lords of empire parading around as patriotic citizens while undermining the very fabric of free society. Cheney and his kind are fascists.

Resolution #2: Spank Nancy Pelosi for declaring that impeachment was not on the table.

Resolution #3: Continue urging Congress and the Senate to develop diplomatic agreements with Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey to help stabilize Iraq so we can pull our troops out because the war is not going to get better as long as we are there. The longer we are there, the deeper and wider the civil war and hatred of America will grow. Some people think that the solution is to send more American troops into the region. This would only escalate the scale of the disaster because more troops would attract more insurgents and so on in a vicious cycle that will only succeed to further destabilize the Middle East, possibly igniting a third world war, while draining America of needed tax dollars, increasing the national debt, driving unemployment up, as well as furthering the risks that our bonehead president will suspend and/or deny and/or ignore more of our constitutional rights. The fact is that no non-Arab nation has ever been able to successfully subdue any of the Arab nations, and every nation that has tried has met the same fate: economic exhaustion and geo-political diminishment.

Resolution #4: Continue to work against the neo-conservative's New World Order, in other words - Global Empire. American leadership should focus less on world domination (globalization) and focus more on strengthening Americans by establishing universal health care, increasing funding for education, preventing illegal aliens from siphoning jobs and depressing wages, reigning in the hyper-inflated costs of housing, stemming the out-sourcing of American jobs, retraining the American workforce with a focus on production of real goods and services that pay real salaries and/or wages that make it possible for one parent to earn a living for a family, and last (but not least) re-instituting the constitutional rights that were abridged under the Bush/Cheney Reich.

Resolution #5: Get my own life in order, which is no small task. I need to lose twenty-five pounds, get out of debt, fall in love (again), get married, buy a house, have some kids, get a dog and cat (perhaps some Zebra finches too), make some wine, drink some wine, and be happy. (Not that I am unhappy, but I could be much happier.)

I wish you a merry Yuletide! Take care, be well, and may your Yuletide be bright with fire, dance and mead, as well as love, laughter, and dreams of rosy breasted women.

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