Kick Them Out, Lock Them Up, and Throw Away the Key!
By Carl Golden
The results of the mid-term elections and the consequential dismissal of Secretary Rumsfeld have begun to restore my faith in our brand of democracy, but there is much yet to be done before my faith in our government is restored and I can join the chorus that lauds how great America is. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and others are guilty of war crimes that cry out for impeachment and imprisonment. It is enough to know that they orchestrated a concert of lies and half-truths while banging the drums of war in order to drive America into an illegal, oil-mongering invasion of a sovereign nation that never attacked us, resulting in the destruction of one of the world's most ancient cultural cities, the senseless loss of 151,000 innocent Iraqi civilian lives (and counting), the deaths of over 2,844 US troops (and counting), over 22,000 US troops wounded (and counting), and Iraq's hellish collapse into civil war. Add to this immense devastation the federally supported atrocities of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (as well as the federally unsanctioned atrocities committed in Mahmudiya and Haditha), the export of wholesale torture, the war profiteering of Halliburton and its subsidiaries, the flagrant disregard of the Geneva Conventions, and the use of National Guard troops and mercenaries as regular military, and you have a laundry list of high crimes and misdemeanors that should be enough to kick these brigands out of the White House and send them up river for the balance of their days on Earth. This is the least that America -- the most powerful nation in the history of the world -- and Americans should do to attempt to save face and restore good faith amongst our neighbors. Great power must embrace undaunted responsibility, otherwise tyranny is inevitable. We must face our crimes as a nation by bringing the criminals to justice, then can we reclaim our place in history as America the Beautiful. Right now, we are America the Ugly.
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